Self-help promotion at state level

The promotion of self-help is a statutory task of the health insurance funds and their associations according to § 20h SGB V.
Funding is provided for health-related self-help – these are self-help groups, self-help organisations and self-help contact points.

Promotion is provided at 3 levels: federal level, state level and regional level (self-help groups).

There are 2 types of funding at each level: Community funding across all types of health insurance companies is joint funding of self-help groups, self-help organisations and self-help contact points by the statutory health insurance funds and their associations.

These self-help structures are subsidised institutionally in the sense of basic funding within the framework of lump-sum funding.

Individual health insurance companies and/or their associations are responsible for individual funding. The legislator has opened up the possibility for health insurance companies to cooperate with self-help within the framework of project funding and to work together in terms of content. Funding is provided for measures that are limited in time and content.


Community funding (Lump-sum funding)

22.960 €

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