A wonderful action to say “thank you” to the staff of the federal office and a radio interview to promote our common cause as a gift.
While driving, I heard about this event on the radio. When I got home, I looked at the description of it on the internet and “bang” – I wrote an application for the DCCV. Then there were some coordination talks between the editorial staff of Radio Berlin and Mr Zipter and Mr Hackländer and since Thomas Leyhe had agreed to give the interview as president of the association, everything was prepared.
Thomas had a preliminary talk with the programme’s editor the day before, who conducted the interview with him, and on 19 September 2017 the time had come.
I found myself at the office at around 9 am. Kerstin Gläser unfortunately fell ill at short notice and could not accompany me. All the others from the DCCV Berlin/Brandenburg team are working or not mobile and so I stayed there alone. With the radio app on the mobile phone and on the internet from Mr Hackländer’s PC, we awaited Thomas Leyhe’s interview.
Then when it came, the sound went away with us and it was over so quickly. Thank you dear Thomas for giving this interview and for managing to put the work of Kerstin Gläser and me in the credits of the interview. A friend heard it on her way to work and was really happy that we were mentioned there for our voluntary work. Thank you very much!
And then the CaféMobil drove up. A cute little car with a built-in coffee machine. With the exception of one staff member who had fallen ill, almost all staff members of the office gathered at the CaféMobil in bright sunshine and enjoyed a coffee speciality or two. The car with the driver’s dog lying in it was inspected and a little chat was had. It was beautiful.
And once again, many thanks to everyone at the office. We thank you for your support in carrying out our voluntary work for the benefit of those affected.